Personalised 1-2-1 and Group Tutoring
Learn Real Estate from a professional Real Estate Investment Fund Manager with several years of experience at top institutions in the City of London.
Our tutor has delivered over 1000+ tutoring hours privately and is a top-rated tutor across various platforms including TheProfs, Superprofs and Spires.
We provide fully-tailored classes designed to meet your requirements and our students have ranged from Graduates and aspiring Analysts to RICS Chartered Surveyors and senior Real Estate Directors.
- Free 20-minute initial consultation to determine needs
- Flexible online slots that suit your schedule
- Home tutoring options available upon request
- Excellent track record of delivering students that have obtained strong exam passes
- Affordable rates with package discounts
- Additional Material prepared by tutor to teach complex subjects
- Past/Mock Exam Papers, Dissertations and
Topics Covered
Financial Accounting
Management Accounting
Ratios and Ratio Analysis
Double-Entry Bookkeeping
Accruals and Prepayments
Stock Valuation
Accounting for Fixed Assets
Accounting for Depreciation
Accounting for Bad Debts
End of Period Adjustments
Cost Budgeting
Variance Analysis
Accounting – from Bachelor’s to Professional Level ACA, CA, ACCA and AAT
I have previously covered the following university courses;
Bsc Accounting and Finance BSc (London School of Economics, Warwick, Exeter, Bath, City, Cardiff, Loughborough, Leeds, King’s College, Sheffield & Lancaster)
Bsc Accounting and Management (Lancaster)
Subjects covered:
- Financial Accounting (all levels)
- Management Accounting (all levels)
- Financial Statements Analysis (all levels)